Dark Matter? Theorem. Expectations If \'Dark Matter', an observable phenomenon, is a univeral material, why does it not exist within the bodies of planets? In theory, if we can detect Dark Matter by its mass, or rather, the exertation of its mass in the form of gravity, we should be able to search for it within planetary bodies, by examining any volume of substances, and comparing the mass of that volume, against the expected mass of that volume. If 'Dark Matter' however, is constructed of the same particles as ordinary matter, another possible situation arises, whereby Dark matter, is no different to any observable matter. If that is true, the question we must ask, is 'Why can we not observe it, other than by its interaction with visible matter?' I postulate, that Dark Matter, is ordinary matter, but it is in motion, at near-relativistic speeds. If this is the case, then the particles may be simple hydrogen atoms, but their relative velocity is so great, that their mass increases to an unbelievable grand scale. In this situation, such particles are likely set into motion by massive novae; where some part of the interior of a star, i is ejected at near the speed of light. These particles would fly outward, and their motion would be affected by super-massive bodies, such as quasars, binding them into an orbit of those bodies. If that is the case, it would potentially explain why we sense these particles between galaxies, as some particles likely leave galactic bounds if there is no sufficient super-massive force to cause them to orbit, In this hypothetical situation, a small portion of these hyper-particles would fall into orbits, some of those orbits would decay and the particles would slowly lose momentum and velocity due to tidal forces. When this happens, the particles may be trapped by less massive bodies, and over time, slow to an observable state. They may in fact, collide with bodies, causing stellar impacts of such magnitude, that the fusion and mass balance of stars is disrupted, causing other stellar explosions as a consequence. Further, these super-massive particles, or at least the path they take, may cause stellar dust to coagulate, creating the needed initial mass to form stars, planets, and other solid, or gaseous bodies. I would expect that for this model to work, the process would involve novae, causing the expulsion of particles. The gravity of these particles passes through other slow particle areas, and the gravitic field of the hyper-particles begins the process of creating a new star, or stellar nursery--in fact, a stellar nursery would be a prime target for any attempt to observe this phenomenon. To toest this theorem, initial expulsions of hyper-particles would need to be projected, and some idea of an interaction of these sorts calculated, and either proved, or disproved. I am not certain at this time, how one would attempt to determine if the mass of 'dark matter' in indeed generated by such hyper-particles, but if so, I would expect the matter to be primarily hydrogen, moving at ~99.999% C. It is possibly that sub-atomic particles, with mass, moving at these velocities could also have a similar effect. My prime concern, is that any explosion potent enough to cause matter to accellerate to such speeds, would also break the atomic bonds of that matter. If this is the case, then it may be the heavier elements in the hear to very massive stars, that generate these particles. If a super-massive star novaes, then some of the heavy elements may be ejected at intense velocities. In the process, atomic fission takes place, in which protons, and electroncs break apart in photonic discharges, but some of the subatomic particles remain bonded, due to the sheer mass of the particle now in motiion. If a heavy element was to do this, the result may be a micro-singularity, or a gravitic effect of a similar nature, but lighter elemnts, may exhibit properties at near-reletivistic speeds that could also account for the phenomenon of dark matter. A crucial test, would also involve trying to determine if the density of dark matter is in any way uniform, or distributed in a uniform way. I would project that if dark matter exhibits both partially uniform distribution, and erratic distribution, that this supports the hypothesis of hyper-particles, as the erratic distribution is a display of hyper-particles not bound into orbits; whereas the uniform distribution consists of particles that are in an orbit of some kind. Would the collision of a photon with a hyper-particle cause the photon to be absorbed? This is a further proof, that needs consideration, however, even if single photons are absorbed, the size of a hyper-particle versus its mass, would mean that a relatively small number of hyper-particles need exist to create a gravitic field that we observe as 'dark matter', and the blocking of single potons on chance collisions, would be too minimal to easily detect.