Username: '' [ REPOS and REMOTES ] DELL@DELL-PC MINGW64 ~/Desktop/ZC/ZCLaunch (master) remote: zcl branch: master DELL@DELL-PC MINGW64 ~/Desktop/ZC/2.50.x (2.50.x) remote: 253 branch: 2.50.x DELL@DELL-PC MINGW64 ~/Desktop/ZC/2.54 (2.54) remote: 254 branch 2.54 DELL@DELL-PC MINGW64 ~/Desktop/ZC/master (master) remote: zcmaster branch: master DELL@DELL-PC MINGW64 ~/Desktop/ZC/Zelda3.zh (master) remote: Z3 branch: master DELL@DELL-PC MINGW64 ~/Desktop/ZC/RPG_zh (master) remote: RPG branch: master [ USEFUL COMMAND REMINDERS ] //Store password credentials to .git/config git config credential.helper store //Set a text editor: $ git config core.editor "C:\Program Files (x86)\SciTE\SciTE.exe" [ CONFIGURATION FILE SETTINGS ] LOCAL CONFIG: ./.git/config [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = false bare = false logallrefupdates = true symlinks = false ignorecase = true editor = C:\\Program Files (x86)\\SciTE\\SciTE.exe [remote "origin"] url = fetch = +refs/heads/2.54:refs/remotes/origin/2.54 [branch "2.54"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/2.54 [remote "254"] url = fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/254/* [credential] helper = store [gui] wmstate = normal geometry = 893x435+50+50 175 196 [merge] tool = p4merge [mergetool "p4merge"] path = C:\\Program Files\\Perforce\\p4merge.exe [diff] tool = p4merge [difftool "p4merge"] path = C:\\Program Files\\Perforce\\p4merge.exe GLOBAL CONFIG : ~/.GITCONFIG [user] name = ZoriaRPG email = editor = C:\\Program Files (x86)\\SciTE\\SciTE.exe [merge] tool = p4merge [mergetool "p4merge"] path = C:\\Program Files\\Perforce\\p4merge.exe [diff] tool = p4merge [difftool "p4merge"] path = C:\\Program Files\\Perforce\\p4merge.exe [alias] scite = start scite