//b52 //////////////// /// ZQuest /// //////////////// The Enemy Editor now had an additional tab, 'Defenses 3'. In this tab, you will find settings for configuring enemy defences for each of the ten LW_SCRIPT* types. These otherwise work as normal weapon defences, and correspond to npc->ScriptDefense[] in ZScript. Quests made in versions prior to 2.54 have no knowledge of these types, and will fall back on the generic 'Script' defence type. This type should no longer be used to configure enemies, as it will be ignored in quests saved in 2.54. Further, the following new defence outcomes exist: Trigger Secrets: Hitting the enemy with this weapon type will trigger all the secrets on the screen. Double Damage : Weapon inflicts 2x damage. Triple Damage : Weapon inflicts 3x damage. Quadruple Damage : Weapon inflicts 4x damage. Block if Damage < 10 : Blocks the weapon if its power is < 10. Enemy Gains HP = Damage : The enemy gains HP equal to the damage of the weapon. Note that this is not capped! The other 'Block if < n' defence outcomes have been renamed to 'Block if Damage < n', for clarity. Other new defence outcomes have been added to the enemy editor, but they do nothing. You may now export a quest to the old 2.50 format. To do this, go to the menu: File->Export->2.50.x Quest !WARNING: All new featurs will be lost. Scripts may need to be recompiled, and may misbehave if the quest is opened in 2.50.x ZC. Old enemy packfile variables are preserved, so this is not a concern, but enemies lose new properties when converting. THe intent of this is to allow a user to intentionally downgrad a quest saved in 2.54. The color selector used for palette editing now supports the following new hotkeys: Shift+H: Increase Hue Control+H: Decrease Hue SHift+S: Increase Saturation Control+S: Decrease Saturation Shift+B: Increase Brightness Control+B: Decrease Brightness The Combo Editor now has many new flags that you may use in conjunction with scripts. Some of these may later be implemented as internal flags with defined behaviour. This includes flags for the most popular scripts, such as pits, and holes.